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How did the workshop begin?


Mohamad Fityan received a lot of questions about learning Nay and Kawala from people all over the world. They reached him via his social media accounts and became increasingly frequent, so it became more and more difficult for him to answer each request individually. The online workshop solves this problem by reaching a great number of people at once and presenting a platform, where learners can connect, so that participants of an active community can answer some of the raised questions among themselves. For Fityan this is a possibility to help a lot of people with their learning process.


Nay & Kawala online Workshop

For beginner, intermediate and advanced

This is a free online workshop with educational music videos by Mohamad Fityan for the Nay and the Kawala. There are three different levels, from beginner, to intermediate and advanced. Mohamad Fityan uploads these videos to his YouTube channel; there’s a new video each month. Additionally, there is a Facebook group where you can find links to the videos and connect with over 2700 members around the world. You can:


  • share your own videos, questions and ideas

  • get a free sheet of music every month

  • organize a competition

  • join one of Fityan’s live video meetings

Goals of the workshop


• Give everyone the opportunity to learn Nay & Kawala

• Spread these instruments globally

• Build a global Nay & Kawala musical community, where music students and music lovers can meet, participate and exchange ideas.

Latest Videos

Come and join us in two steps:


YouTube Channel

Subscribe to                                          and press 🔔

Facebook group

Join the workshop group on Facebook to download the musical notes and to participate in direct collective listening sessions; publish your training videos and write comments to interact with other trainees from all over the world.

See translation in German: 

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Nay & Kawala International Workshop

For beginner, intermediate and advanced

Nay and Kawala international workshop with Mohamad Fityan (in English, Arabic, German)


Mohamad Fityan’s online workshop for Nay and Kawala was so well received, with more than 2500 followers and participants around the world, that he decided to give annual or semi-annual international workshops in the countries where most of these participants come from. These workshops will give Fityan the possibility to meet many of his online followers in person, get to know them and spend a few days working on improving their musical skills. In the end there will be a concert with all the participant of the workshop.


Learning Nay or Kawala: You are welcome at any level – whether you’re already a Nay teacher, an absolute beginner, a post-graduate, an adult amateur or even an advanced performer.



What you need:


• Your Nay or Kawala (if you don’t have a Nay or Kawala, Mohamad Fityan will assist you in buying your instrument)



Beginner level:


• How to produce a sound

• Fingering

• Exercises for improving your techniques

• Learn to play simple songs

• Tips for practicing



Advanced and intermediate level:


At the beginning, there will be a simple test to detect the level of each student. The exercises will focus on:

• Improving the breathing and the colour of the sound

• Advanced techniques

• Arabic music corresponding to the student’s level, like Samaie, Longa and more

• Tips for practicing


Every participant will get all the sheet music used in the workshop.

Next International Workshop in: Sulzburg, Germany 

See translation in German: 

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Arabic Music Theory Workshop

Learn Arabic Musical Scales: For amateurs and professional musicians.
For two days, two hours each day, with Mohamad Fityan (in English, Arabic or German)
This is a workshop for everyone who loves Middle Eastern music and wants to learn how to play Arabic or related music scales. Bring your instrument and let’s learn Arabic music theory!
What you will learn:
  • Eight main Arabic musical scales
  • "Quarter tone" intervals
  • Special notation of Arabic music
  • Basic Arabic rhythms
  • About Arabic music instruments
Musicians desiring to play dance music, sacred music or folk music of the Arab and Turkish worlds should study these scales.
Every participant will get the sheet music for all eight main Arabic scales. Additionally, you will get at least one musical piece for each scale.

See translation in German: 

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Arabic Singing Workshop

Singing Arabic music together

Everyone is welcome


For two days, two hours each day, with Mohamad Fityan in English.


This is simply a meeting for everyone who is interested in joining his or her voice or instrument to a group to sing simple Arabic songs and clapping the rhythms. The workshop is open for old and young music lovers, for amateurs and professional musicians, for people of all nations.


It's just a friendly get-together with coffee and cake during the breaks, maybe? :-) We practise intercultural musical communication.


Every participant will get the lyrics and the music notation. There will be a little recording, so in the end we will each have a video of the group singing and playing together.

See translation in German: 

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